ITIS sets out the privacy policy, the information of character Staff that you can provide when you visit the website. In this Sense, the objective of ITIS is to protect your information on the Same way it is protected in other media. In accordance with Established in Law 34/2002, of July 11, on Services of the Society of Information and Electronic Commerce, ITIS informs that All the data you have access, provided by you, will be Incorporated into the entity's files to enable the Maintenance and management of the contractual relationship with the customer, or As the case may be, the management of your request or suggestion forwarded. You can Visit the website and study our products, in addition to others Value added services, without providing any information about you. In addition, you can access certain products and services where Request personal data. In all these cases, ITIS Inform the uses and purposes of the treatments performed, Seeking their consent to carry out the mentioned treatments, When required by current legislation. The user will respond, in In any case, of the veracity of the data provided. ITIS Compromises the fulfillment of the obligation of secrecy of the data of Personal nature, of their duty to keep them and shall take Necessary to prevent its alteration, loss, treatment or access Authorized, taking into account at all times the state of the technology. ITIS continuously maintains monitoring and evaluation of processes To ensure that data privacy is respected. You lend your Consent for the processing of their data for the purpose of Prepare or offer products and services specific to our activity That in the future may interest you, unless we manifest it contrary. This information will be addressed to ITIS. You have the right To exercise, at any time, the rights of access, Rectification, cancellation and objection that they attend, by writing Addressed to the ITIS Support Team at the following address: